Dining across the divide: ‘He uses his phone to pay for everything. I prefer to use cash to protect my privacy’
They had different views on ways of making payments and also the European convention on human rights, but did they agree on the return of Donald Trump?. Occupation Studying for a PhD in political theory. Voting record Has voted for centre-left parties in France and Spain. He can’t vote in the UK, but would probably vote Green if he could.
Amuse bouche Despite his dual French/Spanish nationality, he has never lived in either country, having been born in Belgium and based in the UK for 10 years. Occupation Retired ship design draughtsman. Voting record Describes himself as centre-right but without political affiliation. Has recently voted Labour because of the local candidate for parliament, but Conservative in local elections. Leave in the EU referendum.
Amuse bouche Once threw himself out of a plane with a man strapped to his back. After visiting lots of theme parks with his friends, he decided this was the next logical step. Martin P I arrived a bit early so, being in Spain, as it were – it was a tapas restaurant – I ordered a sherry. When Martin arrived, it emerged he has Spanish ancestry, and he had one too.
Martin R Bristol has historically been a big importer of sherry, so it’s interesting that I’ve ended up in a place that has a tie back to my roots. Martin P I found him very easy to talk to – well educated and with good knowledge of the world.
Martin R Martin talked about coming out as gay, having been in a heterosexual marriage, with a daughter. It was very moving. Martin P We launched into the European convention on human rights, and I said it has gone too far. It’s being used as a get-out clause. There are foreign criminals claiming their right to family life because they have hooked up with some woman in this country and then they can’t be deported. He asked what if there’s a British criminal abroad, would you expect them to come back? I said absolutely, it should be fair for all.