DR MAX PEMBERTON: The incredible 15-minute trick that I promise really will change your life
DR MAX PEMBERTON: The incredible 15-minute trick that I promise really will change your life
Not long to go now. Soon all the shopping will be done, the presents wrapped, the food prepared and then, if you're lucky, you might have a few minutes to sit down and relax over the next few weeks. If so – and I very much hope that this is the case – why not spend a bit of time looking back and thinking about what you're grateful for?.
People tend to think the end of the year is about looking forward: New Year's resolutions, change, a fresh start. Why look back? I'm often surprised how many people say: 'I'll be pleased when the year is over' – as though it's something you should turn your back on and not think about again.
Of course, some will have had a tough year. There will have been setbacks, upsets and maybe even tragedies. But for most, there will have been good things, too. Even if someone has had a very difficult time with a bereavement, say, there will be some positive, heart-warming or life-affirming moments too – perhaps the way friends rallied around or a partner supported you.
If we only focus on the future, determined to look forward and put difficult experiences behind us, we risk missing these little gems. In consigning the whole year to the waste bin of life as an annus horribilis we don't get to see the glimmers of goodness that were probably also there.
The strength of our memories tends to be closely related to the strength of the feelings attached to them, particularly in the case of negative emotions. This means we remember things that provoked strong reactions much more vividly than others. It's very normal to find a few upsetting events dominating our memory of a year, while the lesser, but enjoyable things, fade or are forgotten.