Files revealing that the CIA failed to share intelligence on Oswald with the FBI would be "a big story," said Gerald Posner, author of Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK, which concludes that Oswald acted alone.
FBI uncovers thousands of secret JFK assassination files The FBI says it has found 2,400 new files related to the assassination of President John F Kennedy.
As part of the same executive order, Mr Trump also promised to release documents on the assassinations of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr and Senator Robert Kennedy, both of whom were shot dead in 1968.
Last week the Office of the Director of National Intelligence sent recommendations to Mr Trump on which classified documents he should release to the public about the assassination, a spokesperson said on Tuesday.
His pick to lead the Health and Human Services Department, Robert F Kennedy Jr, the son of Robert Kennedy and nephew of JFK, is one of those who believes the CIA was involved in his uncle's death.