It comes as Anna Paulina Luna, the head of a new Task Force dedicated to the Declassification of Federal Secrets, spoke in support of a conspiracy theory that there were ‘two shooters’ involved in the assassination – contradicting the official account that lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald was solely responsible for the killing.
CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)] A 2023 poll published by Gallup revealed 65% of Americans believe others were involved in the slaying, while only 29% of Americans are sure former US Marine Lee Harvey Oswald was working alone.
The FBI announced the discovery of around 2,400 lost files relating to the assassination of John F Kennedy on Tuesday, sparking a fresh wave of speculation about the former US president.
The official narrative holds that former US marine Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, firing three shots from the Texas School Book Depository.
Ruby was charged with murder but died from cancer before he could stand trial, and his connections to the local mob have led many to believe he was silencing Oswald to prevent him from revealing a larger conspiracy.