Games Inbox: Will Nintendo Switch 2 have motion controls?
Games Inbox: Will Nintendo Switch 2 have motion controls?
The Monday letters page wonders about the future of PlatinumGames, as a reader asks what was so amazing about the Xbox Developer Direct. To join in with the discussions yourself email Motion to include. Now a few weeks have passed, it’s kind of surprising how little we’ve really learned about the Nintendo Switch 2. So I just wanted to ask one question I haven’t seen mentioned anywhere else and that’s whether the Switch 2 will have motion controls?.
Watching the reveal trailer, they go out of their way to show the Joy-Cons working in terms of pressing buttons and moving the analogue stick, plus the new mouse feature, but they never show them using motion controls. I know they have a bad reputation with some people, thanks to the Wii and Kinect, but the Switch’s motion controls were really good and I’m looking forward to seeing them improve again with the Switch 2.
I’m also curious to know whether it’ll have HD Rumble or an upgrade of that, as I’d like to see that improve too. Like all haptic stuff it’s underused in games but when it works it really adds something to a game, I feel. GC: Considering the Switch 2 is backwards compatible with the Switch 1, and lots of its games have motion controls, it seems almost certain it’ll have them.
Priced out. EA profits down, other studios with the same complaints, is it just possible that… nobody wants to shell out £70 on games with the way everything is right now?. My gaming habits have changed now. I used to think nothing on taking a gamble on a £40 – £50 title but that stopped as game prices crept up and up.