Games Inbox: What Switch 2 games will be in the April Nintendo Direct?
Games Inbox: What Switch 2 games will be in the April Nintendo Direct?
The Monday letters page is already worried about cheaters in GTA 6 Online, as one reader resists celebrating the death of MultiVersus. To join in with the discussions yourself email Three guesses. As much as I’m looking forward to the Nintendo Direct in April, I’m almost more excited to see what third party games will be revealed there. Nintendo is totally going to want to prove the Switch 2 has changed in that respect but I can’t imagine they’re going to be happy just showing off old PlayStation 4 games or even older current gen games like Elden Ring.
There’s going to be new stuff from everyone, I reckon, and those new MySims games EA accidently leaked are just going to be the start of it. The reader guessing that Konami was waiting till now to reveal a new Castlevania sounds totally believable to me. And if it’s not that it’ll be something like it. Maybe Resident Evil 9 (remember, Resident Evil 4 was originally a GameCube exclusive), maybe Final Fantasy 17, maybe something new from Microsoft (they’ve already hinted at it). More people are going to be watching that Nintendo Direct than almost any other gaming even this year, more than any State of Play and definitely more than an Xbox Direct.
I’m not saying all my suggestions will come true, they’re only guesses, but I don’t think it’s just going to be Nintendo games. Although just for the record I predict Mario Kart, Metroid Prime 4, Donkey Kong/Super Mario 3D, a Zelda remaster, and some kind of WarioWare/1-2-Switch game. Onibee. Technical difficulties. The new day’s Inbox and readers features are taking a while to make it up to the top of the page and being buried down beneath a lot of scrolling to find for a big portion of the day and are hard to find, easy to miss. They do get there eventually but the two Saturday weekend feature as of 1pm requires this much scrolling to find on mobile:.
12 articles under the editor’s picks header, one ad, one newsletter sign up box, then the trending now chunk, metro shorts chunk, game reviews chunk, games news chunk, games inbox chunk then I get to the more stories chunk which has this weekend’s Reader’s Features as the first two stories. Simundo. GC: Yes, there’s definitely something going wrong at the moment. Our thanks to all the readers’ that have pointed it out. It seems to be happening randomly and only at certain times of the day, but we’ll try and get it fixed as soon as possible. In the meantime, the articles are still all there, they’re just not necessarily showing up on the main channel page.
Accidental tendsetter. There’s no way that BioWare is going to survive unless Mass Effect 4 is a massive (pun intended) hit and I only give them a 50/50 chance of staying around long enough to actually finish it. Like other readers, I blame EA for the terrible marketing for Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Although there wasn’t much of it anyway, so I don’t think they ever had any faith in it. With just 100 people left at BioWare I don’t know how good Mass Effect 4 can even be. Although, I doubt the originals were done with much more so maybe this could be a blessing in disguise, and they’ll have to concentrate on the important stuff and not get carried away with bloat or over-the-top graphics.
Seems a strange thing to be happy about but maybe that could ensure it comes out in a reasonable amount of time too. We all know about the problems of games taking too long to make and being too expensive so maybe EA could inadvertently start a trend where they limit the size of teams and get things back to where they were a generation or two ago. Preston. Email your comments to:
Get rich quick. I don’t take any pleasure from reading about people losing their jobs but I am so glad that the live service bandwagon finally seems to have come off its wheels. I bet MultiVersus could’ve been a really successful game if they’d just sold it properly but they just couldn’t resist trying to turn it into an infinite money generator. I played it and it was pretty good, definitely the best not-Smash Bros. game I’ve played but it felt so incomplete and shady, with all the money they wanted you to pay for extra characters. If they’d just sold it upfront like Smash Bros. Ultimate I’m sure it would’ve been a big hit.
There’s no point cheering the end of live service games though, as I’m sure there’ll be another get rich quick scam that publishers will fall for soon after, there always is. It’ll probably be AI this time and then when everyone realises that’s a dead end it’ll be something. Anything to avoid just paying talented developers to make good games. Crying out for a sequel. Really looking forward to seeing the new Onimusha this week. It’s taken a long time for Capcom to make good on their promise of bringing back old franchises and hopefully this is just the first of many. I get why they did it instead of Dino Crisis, given the gameplay is quite different from Resident Evil, but I hope they both get their time in the sun again.