5 A note on the garlic Peel, trim and finely chop the garlic – traditionally, a cut clove is wiped around the insides of the fondue pot, but because I make mine in a pan and then transfer it to a bowl, I prefer to add the garlic to the cheese mix (if you’re using a bespoke fondue pot, however, you may wish to revert to the old way).
Traditionally, a cut garlic clove is wiped around the insides of the fondue pot, but because I make mine in a pan and transfer it to a bowl, I prefer to add the garlic to the cheese mix (if you’re using a bespoke fondue pot, however, you may wish to revert to the old way).
I also like to add a creamy cheese – taleggio, raclette, port salut, brie or even, dare I say it, cheese triangles are all options, but you may prefer to ring the changes with blue cheese, goat’s cheese or even a flavoured cheese, or simply use only equal parts of gruyère and emmental if you prefer.
6 Add the wine Add the wine to the pot – traditional Swiss and Savoie whites aren’t that widely stocked in the UK, so look for a high-acid and fairly fruity alternative, because, somewhat counterintuitively, the acids in the wine will help stabilise the emulsion of melted cheeses and help to prevent them separating.
Add the wine to the pot – traditional Swiss and Savoie whites aren’t that widely stocked in the UK, so if need be go for a high-acid and fairly fruity alternative, because, somewhat counterintuitively, the acids in the wine will help stabilise the emulsion of melted cheeses and help to prevent them separating.