Huge breakthrough in the search for aliens: NASA discovers a 'super Earth' exoplanet just 20 light-years away that could have the right conditions to support life
Huge breakthrough in the search for aliens: NASA discovers a 'super Earth' exoplanet just 20 light-years away that could have the right conditions to support life
For millennia, humans have asked whether we are alone in the universe, yet the discovery of aliens still eludes us. But if extraterrestrials do exist, scientists have found a promising location for where they could be hiding. Researchers from the University of Oxford have discovered an exoplanet dubbed HD 20794 d that could have the right conditions for life.
More than six times as massive as Earth, scientists are describing it as a 'super Earth'. It is located in the Eridanus constellation and is in the habitable zone of its star, meaning liquid water – and therefore life – could potentially exist. Best of all, it's just 19.7 light-years away from Earth.
This raises the tantalizing possibility that we could snap pictures of any aliens lurking there. 'Excitingly, its proximity with us – only 20 light-years – means there is hope for future space missions to obtain an image of it,' said Dr Michael Cretignier, who first spotted signs of the planet in 2022.
Pictured, an artist's impression of the new planet HD 20794 d orbiting its star. The planet is six times as massive as Earth and just 20 light-years away. Its orbit places it within the habitable zone of the system, meaning it is at the right distance from its star to sustain liquid water on its surface, a key ingredient for life as we know it.
Researchers from the University of Oxford have discovered an exoplanet dubbed HD 20794 d that could have the right conditions for life (stock image). HD 20794 d was found using the HARPS (High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher) spectrograph at the La Silla Observatory in Chile.