I thought the flat was perfect until my landlord started making demands
I thought the flat was perfect until my landlord started making demands
This evening, like every other, had become a suffocating ritual. I was standing in a kitchen plastered in gruesome images of dead animals while my live-in landlord cornered me, obsessively preaching veganism. He told me that all animals can be vegan, and urged me to spread this message to everyone I knew.
Despite knowing I was plant-based, I could feel his eyes glued to my ingredients as I prepared my dinner, as though hoping to catch me having something non-vegan so he could lecture me some more. His behaviour had been escalating since I moved in a month ago – initially starting off by giving me leaflets to hand out or sending me videos of slaughtered animals.
Then one night, just over three weeks after I’d moved in, he urged me to cut off my family and quit my job to be more involved in his vegan group – who were focused on hosting regular vigils for animals – while my rent check funded his lifestyle.
I knew then that I was trapped and needed to get out. Just weeks prior, I’d been living with my ex-partner. We had a very sudden and brutal breakup, which left me with a couple of weeks to find a new home. The market was ruthless and affordable options were scarce. I found myself in constant competition with prospective tenants for £1,000 per month studio flats, which eventually led me to turn to the option of flat-sharing.