It may feel good to stick a cotton bud inside of your ear, and it may come out with a little bit of wax on which makes you feel like you've cleaned it, but all you've done is push that wax further down your ear.".
ITV doctor issues warning to 'never' use this bathroom item ITV's resident doctor, Dr Amir Khan, has dropped a health warning on social media as he told fans that "it's not worth it! "
Captioning the post he said: "Honestly the number of perforated ear drums I've seen and the number of broken cotton bud tips I've had to fish out of my patients ears - it's not worth it!.
Most people's ears can handle earwax without any interference, he explained, but if there's a blockage, olive oil drops could be the answer, helping the wax exit naturally.
He said: "One thing I would never advise is the use of cotton bud sticks to clean the ears.