Kind and positive New Year resolutions to make for yourself

Kind and positive New Year resolutions to make for yourself

Kind and positive New Year resolutions to make for yourself
Published: Dec, 19 2024 15:42

Many of us use the new year as an opportunity to start afresh. ‘New year, new me’ and all that. The resolutions and promises we make to ourselves as we enter the next 365 days often include things like starting a hobby, reducing waste, eating a healthier diet, spending less money and saving more of it.

Image Credit: Mail Online

But a lot of these resolutions are framed as negatives. For example, your goal might be to reach a certain weight by the end of the year, but the focus is then on the loss of weight, rather than the gain of health and fitness. Another resolution could be to stop being so late for things, but it might be more effective to think of it as starting to be on time more often. Okay, I admit it, that’s a personal one for me.

. So instead of making half-hearted New Year resolutions that are hard to stick to, why don’t you try making ones that are more positive and kinder to yourself? They can still include achievements in your career, health, finances and lifestyle, but they don’t have to make you feel like a failure.

Let’s face it, we’ve all suffered enough hardships throughout the past few years as it is. 2025 is the year to celebrate what we already have – and be grateful to ourselves, for making it through another year. Remember, whatever resolutions you may or may not make for 2025, the most important thing is to not be too hard on yourself if they don’t go how you planned. Life is unpredictable, things happen and it’s okay to give yourself a break… Here’s to a happy and positive new year!.


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