Seven New Year's Resolutions that could 'change your life for the better' in 2025

Seven New Year's Resolutions that could 'change your life for the better' in 2025
Author: (Danielle Kate Wroe)
Published: Dec, 31 2024 09:00

When you're bombarded with the noise of people making New Year's resolutions, it can be really tough to sit down and be intentional with yours and not just be influenced by what everyone else is doing. It can be tough when people's Instagram stories are stuffed full of green juices, brand-new exercise regimens, and self-help books they've chosen to pick up to make 2025 their best year yet, but you have to remember that you're on your own journey, and everything you choose to do should directly benefit you.

Content creator Arina Negishi has taken to TikTok to share the seven resolutions you could try that will "change your life", writing in the caption: "Energy flows where intention goes". Arina's first recommendation for the new year is to "stop wishing you were someone else". You should also have "weekly check-ins with family and friends" to catch up and see what they're up to.

She said you should also "commit to a healthier sleeping routine". The NHS agrees with this point, stating: "The mental health benefits of good sleep include boosting our mood, reducing stress and helping with anxiety. If you're having trouble sleeping, knowing how to sleep better can make a big difference.".

On average, adults should be getting between seven and nine hours of sleep per night, and if you are struggling, during 2025, you may want to try the following:. Another thing Arina suggested was to "try something new each month"—whether that's a new smoothie for breakfast each morning or taking up a new hobby like painting with friends. You could even write down each month and what you intend to do so you can definitely stick to the plan.


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