If you don't keep up with repayments or default on your debt, you are likely to get a black mark on your credit record, which could affect your ability to get a credit card, loan or mortgage in the future.
According to the parent, who was in total disbelief, the child ''literally maxed out'' her credit card to order a pile of posh items from online stores, including the viral Marc Jacobs Tote Bag.
''You cannot max out my credit card - you shouldn't be using my cards,'' Stormy could be hears saying in the background, before Amelia shocked her with the most expensive order.
In the now-viral video, which has racked up more than a whopping 2.1million views, Stormy attempted to tell Amelia off for allegedly spending an eye-watering £2.4k using her credit card.
A MUM has gone viral after allegedly catching her daughter, seven, max out her credit card to treat herself to designer gear.