‘My whole body has been broken’: Davy Russell on bust-ups, Grand National glories and a life in the saddle The jockey had remarkable career triumphs but he’s still infamous for punching a horse and a rival rider.
He had a remarkable career where he became Ireland’s champion jockey three times, won the Grand National twice, as well as the Gold Cup, while also being infamous for punching a horse and a rival rider before he finally stopped racing in 2023.
The skeleton looks as if it has contracted measles because it is covered in red dots, with each dot marking a bone that Russell broke during his 21 years as a professional jump jockey.
Davy Russell’s wife, Edelle, sometimes brings out a skeleton that resembles his battered body during her anatomy classes at school.
Russell puts down his delicious chicken sandwich and chews thoughtfully when I ask how many bones he broke while racing.