Nintendo Switch 2 reveal trailer more popular than PS5 and Switch 1 on YouTube
The reveal of the Nintendo Switch 2 has been a big hit on YouTube, as it surpasses 18 million views within four days. Nintendo may have played it safe with the reveal of its next generation console, but that doesn’t seem to have affected the level of public interest in the console.
Within 48 hours of the console’s debut last Thursday, the Switch 2 reveal had been viewed over 17 million times on Nintendo Of America’s YouTube channel. At the time of writing (roughly four days later on January 20), the video has amassed over 18.6 million views.
This means it is tracking ahead of the PlayStation 5’s reveal trailer, which accumulated around 13.3 million views within the same two-day window. The video has climbed up to 44 million views over the years since, so it’s likely the Switch 2 will surpass it in the years to come.
The Switch 2 video is also outpacing the reveal for the original Switch. Two days after it was shown on October 20, 2016, the original Switch trailer hit around 13.8 million views. The video was delisted in October 2023 (because the licence for the music ran out) but it had accumulated 50 million views up to that point.
The numbers on social media are also high. On X, the Switch 2 reveal on the Nintendo Of America account has been viewed over 41.1 million times, while the Japanese account has racked up over 53.1 million views at the time of writing. Most of the YouTube views were pushed towards the US channel (the video has no voiceover and only a small amount of on-screen text) but the Nintendo of Japan version has 7 million views, Nintendo UK has 1.1 million views, and channels like IGN have over 2 million, so it’s all but impossible to work out exactly how many people may have seen the reveal trailer.