Only 5 percent of people can solve this 'obvious' 1% Club question
This tricky brainteaser from The 1% Club TV show has left 80 per cent of people baffled. Research has shown that tackling difficult brainteasers can improve overall cognitive function and even help your memory. So why not try this one today? This question appeared on The 1% Club Australia. The show originates in the UK and is usually hosted by Lee Mack. It is styled like an IQ test and unlike other game shows - it is not based on general knowledge.
The questions are taken from a set that has been put to the public beforehand and they are classified based on the percentage of those who answered the question correctly. If you get this correct you may want to consider signing up for the show!. What is the solution to this problem?.
If... 1 + 2 = 6. and... 3 + 4 = 9. and... 5 + 6 = 7. then... 7 + 6 = ???. Do you want a hint? Think about the letters. The letters in each number are added together. If… 1 ONE (3) + 2 TWO (3) = 6. and… 3 THREE (5) + 4 FOUR (4) = 9. and… 5 FIVE (4) + 6 SIX (3) = 7.
then… 7 SEVEN (5) + 8 EIGHT (5) = 10. Brainteasers are puzzles, problems, or questions that are designed to stimulate cognitive processes such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and lateral thinking. They often require creative and unconventional approaches to arrive at the correct solution. Brainteasers come in various forms, including riddles, logic puzzles, maths problems, and word games.
These puzzles can be a fun way to challenge and entertain the mind, and they are often used in educational settings or as recreational activities. They may vary in difficulty, ranging from simple puzzles that can be solved quickly to more complex ones that may require deeper thought and analysis.