Just 30 percent of people can solve this 1% Club riddle - but others say it's easy

Just 30 percent of people can solve this 1% Club riddle - but others say it's easy
Author: mirrornews@mirror.co.uk (Liam Gilliver)
Published: Dec, 27 2024 01:30

You'll need to have one of the highest IQs in the country to solve this fiendish brainteaser in time. Hosted by comedy legend Lee Mack, the 1% Club isn't like your usual quiz show. Instead of testing contestant's ability to rehearse historic dates and events, each question challenges Brits to use their 'logic, reasoning skills and common sense' to get right the answer.

This particular question knocked one person out of the competition, and has divided opinions amongst viewers. Some say the riddle made them feel 'stuck' while others thought it was easy peasy. So, let's see if you can solve it... "What common item of clothing can you slot into the gap below to form a word? PAR___S," the riddle reads. Remember, you only have 30 seconds to solve the puzzle, otherwise you would have been booted off the show. We're not giving away any clues for this one, so get your thinking caps on and get to work! You can check the answer in the video below, or by scrolling to the end of the article.

Brainteasers like this might seem like an easy way to keep the kids quiet for a couple of minutes, but research has shown they can actually have a positive impact on the central nervous system. This could result in improved concentration levels and better attention span.

Want to avoid the doom and gloom? Get the latest positive news sent straight to your inbox with our Bright Stuff Newsletter. But, if that riddle was no match for a genius like you, it's time to ramp things up a level with this pub-style quiz. Each question is strategically designed to trick you, so don't get too confident. You'll need to score eight out of 10 to prove you're a modern-day Einstein, and can only spend 30 seconds on each question before moving onto the next. Once you're done, you can check your answers here.


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