Popular houseplants 'believed to bring good luck and prosperity'
Whether you're a believer in superstitions or not, having a few attractive houseplants around the home can make the space feel more welcoming and cosy. One of the most famous plants associated with prosperity is the money tree, a stunning large, evergreen tree. The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) suggests an ideal spot for the money tree – a conservatory, if you have one.
If not, Patch Plants recommends potting a money tree in a bright bathroom (if it has a window). Alternatively, a money tree – "believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the home" – would thrive near a south or east-facing window as it loves bright light.
However, don't place a money tree in direct sunlight as the sun's rays could be too intense and burn the leaves. If the money tree needs more light, the leaves will dry out and droop to signal its distress. Top tips for plant care include watering only when the soil is completely dry and misting regularly to keep the leaves vibrant and green. Money trees benefit from a monthly feed of balanced liquid fertiliser during spring and summer.
"Dilute the fertiliser to half strength and apply it to the soil around the root zone," Patch Plants advised. Money trees should be repotted every two to three years, or when roots are emerging from the nursery pot, or twisting and the plant is struggling to grow.
Pruning isn't necessary, but you can trim off any dead or damaged leaves as needed, reports the Express. Patch Plants revealed the secret to financial greenery, saying: "With proper care and attention, your money tree will thrive and bring good luck and prosperity to your home.".