Scientists issue urgent warning about drinking TEA - as they discover a single tea bag can release billions of dangerous microplastics into your body
For millions of Britons, the day doesn't really start until you've had your first cup of tea. But a new study might make you think twice before reaching for the kettle. Scientists from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona have warned that a single tea bag can release billions of dangerous microplastics into your body.
During their experiments, the team found that most of these microplastics are taken up by the mucus-producing intestinal cells. However, they found that some can even enter the cell nucleus - the part of the cell that houses genetic material. Worryingly, the long-term effects of these microplastics on human health remain unclear.
'The potential health implications of environmental micro/nanoplastics (MNPLs) are increasingly concerning,' the researchers said. 'Beyond environmental exposure, other sources such as food packaging, including herbal/teabags, may also be significant.'.
Scientists from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona have warned that a single tea bag can release billions of dangerous microplastics into your body. Previous studies have shown that food packaging is a major source of microplastics. However, until now, there has been little research into the number of these plastics that we ingest from tea bags.
In their new study, published in Chemosphere, the team investigated the microplastics released from three popular teabag types, which can easily be purchased online or in local supermarkets. The first type was a nylon teabag, which the researchers ordered from Amazon.