Six money saving tips for growing herbs at home
WANT to spice up your cooking this month?. Then now is a great thyme to start growing your own herbs. Here’s how you can get started . . . TOP PICKS: Not all herbs thrive in winter, so choose hardy ones like parsley, chives and thyme. These can handle cooler temperatures and grow well in small spaces.
Basil and coriander are more delicate and prefer warmer weather, so it’s best to wait until spring to plant them. INVEST IN THE BEST: Always pick good-quality herb seeds and multi-purpose compost to give your plants the best start and you can get 25 per cent off selected herb seeds at Homebase right now.
You only need a few small pots or trays to get started. Some washed-out yoghurt pots will do the job just fine. LIGHT IT RIGHT: Herbs love light, so find a spot on your balcony or windowsill to get them growing. Keep the soil moist, but avoid overwatering them as soggy roots can spell disaster.
SMART SPACES: No garden? No problem. Hanging planters, vertical racks, or stackable pots make it very easy to grow a variety of herbs in a small area. Be very careful with fast-spreading herbs such as mint. It is best to keep them in separate pots to prevent them from overtaking your other plants.
MIX IT UP: Try growing companion herbs together in one pot. Parsley, thyme and chives, for example, thrive side by side. Grouping herbs with similar needs can save time and space while creating a beautiful herb display. HAPPY HARVEST: Once your herbs start to sprout, pinch off the new tips to encourage growth.