Six-year-old boy tragically dies in his sleep after falling over and banging his head at school as his father says he feels 'let down'
A grieving father whose son ‘banged his head’ while at school before dying in his sleep that night has told MailOnline he feels ‘let down’ by staff who said it was ‘just a bump’. Six-year-old Mohammed Yaseen Uddin, known to loved ones as Yassen, was found dead in his bed on Wednesday morning after being sent home from Marlborough Primary School in Small Heath, Birmingham the day before.
The school had called his mother asking for Yaseen to be picked up as he had hurt his head but reassured her that it was ‘nothing serious and was ‘just a bump’. But tragically after taking some Calpol and being put to bed that evening, Yassen’s mother could not wake him up to go to school the next morning.
Speaking to MailOnline today, his grieving father Simriel Udden paid tribute to his son: ‘He was a bright, joyful spirit and he was a beautiful, kind hearted little boy who passed away in his sleep. ‘He had a head collision in school. The school told my wife “oh your son has bumped his head” and when she asked if it was anything serious they said “no it’s nothing serious, it’s just a bump”.’.
After being picked up from school, little Yaseen asked his mother if they could pick up some grapes from the shop before sitting down in front of the TV to watch his favourite show. The young boy, who had four older siblings between the ages of 13 and 22, tucked into a big piece of his sister’s birthday cake before being put to bed.