Sky Q customers discover three genius hacks that instantly upgrade TV boxes

Sky Q customers discover three genius hacks that instantly upgrade TV boxes
Sky Q customers discover three genius hacks that instantly upgrade TV boxes
Author: Jamie Harris
Published: Feb, 27 2025 14:36

Summary at a Glance

The service has been around for nine years now and still going strong despite Sky releasing newer TV tech like Sky Glass and Sky Stream.

For those still having trouble with the connection to their Sky Q box it might be worth switching to an ethernet cable instead.

This means you'll have a plugged connection from your Sky Q box directly to your router, so there's no chance of wireless disruptions.

SKY Q is still hugely popular among telly fans across the UK - and there are some little-known tricks to speed your box up.

This would not only affect the connection to your Sky Q box but other devices around your home.


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