Spaceport on Shetland Islands will be ready for launch by July, MPs told The spaceport at the northernmost tip of the UK will be ready for satellite launches by July, MPs have been told.
Alan Thompson, head of government affairs at Skyrora, said his company aims to carry out a suborbital rocket launch from SaxaVord later this year.
Quizzed on whether SaxaVord needs more Government financial support, he said: “Yes and no, we would quite happily take it, if we don’t get it we will have to go out and get extra money and work very hard.”.
Phil Chambers, chief executive of Orbex, was asked about his company’s decision to pause work at the Sutherland Spaceport site.
Mr Chambers said it was a purely commercial decision, as completing work at the site near Tongue would have cost £15 million and the company had not raised as much money as hoped.