The 15 revolutionary tiny tweaks that can turbocharge your health - from the simple way to lose half a stone to the tricks that slash your risk of cancer
When it comes to living a healthier life, the expert consensus is that small changes to daily habits are the most likely to produce long-lasting results. Unlike our attempts at dramatic life-changing transformations, they don’t exhaust our willpower and are easier to stick to over time.
Fortunately, these easy-to-achieve, tiny tweaks can also reap major health rewards. A study recently published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found just a 3 per cent increase in fitness is linked to a 35 per cent lower risk of men developing prostate cancer.
The findings prompted researchers at the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences in Stockholm to recommend men should try doing even just a bit more jogging, cycling or swimming to help lower their chances of developing the disease. So what other small health tweaks can we add to our lives to get major results? Here are 15 steps the experts recommend...
In an experiment, people who ate the strawberries showed sharper cognitive skills in memory tests. Adding just eight strawberries a day to your diet can improve your memory and mood and potentially protect you against dementia and depression, according to a study published last year in the Journal Nutrients.
Researchers at the University of Cincinnati’s Academic Health Centre gave half of a group of 30 overweight men and women aged between 50 and 65 who reported having a mild decline in their memories, a powder containing eight whole strawberries. The other half of the group had a placebo that looked like the strawberry powder. Both groups were asked to refrain from eating any other berries during the trial. After 12 weeks, the strawberry group showed sharper cognitive skills in memory tests and made fewer mistakes when doing a learning task and reported lower levels of depressive symptoms.