On the latter front, QC Termemilano Spa is a staple with TikToking day-trippers to the North Italian city, thanks to its beautiful partially submerged arches and simulated thunderstorms which wash customers' troubles firmly away.
The best places to go on an extreme minibreak that'll cost you under £100 We all need a break once in a while, but finding the time and money to get away from it all can be tricky and expensive.
Milan is the viral content lovers' choice of an extreme minibreak for two reasons - big rodents and a thunderstorm spa.
This is given per passenger in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), which is a unit of measurement used to compare the climate impact of greenhouse gases.
According to Curb6, every person has to limit themselves to about 1.5tonnes of CO2e a year, if the Paris Agreement’s objective of maintaining global temperature warming "well below" 2°C is to be met.