The exact time you need to list items on Vinted to sell quickly revealed by money-making mum
MUM Paulomi Debnath spends just a couple of hours a month selling her son’s old clothes on Vinted - but she’s already made £500. The 44-year-old, who lives in Romford, east London, with her husband, Avik, and their 13-year-old son, uses the app to make extra cash.
Paulomi Debnath, who is the founder and artist of sustainable jewellery and home decor brand, Handmade by Tinni, has revealed the exact time you need to list items to guarantee an quick sale. The best time to add an item is after 6pm, says Paulomi. “I find this is when buyers tend to be most active,” she said.
“This gives me the best chance of getting some responses – and hopefully of selling within 24 hours. "When I list things at different times of day, I don’t tend to get anywhere near as much traction.”. Before listing an item she researches the market price, and then she lists it at an amount that is just below the top price on the site.
She said: “The key is to leave a little wriggle room for negotiations. I’ve found that typically, buyers like to ‘offer’ at around 10% below the asking price.”. Paulomi’s aim is to price things so that they will sell relatively quickly with a little bit of a margin.
“But if, say, I’m listing a jumper that my son has worn a few times, I know I can’t ask too high a price for it,” she said. “In that scenario, I tend to go for a ‘base level’ that will cover the cost of packaging and ensure a fast sale.”.