There is no crime more vile than child abuse but Tommy Robinson is a thug NOT interested in justice
THERE is no crime more vile than child abuse. The way that grooming gangs — many of them Asian — have preyed on vulnerable girls in some of our poorest communities is sickening. I saw firsthand how these children were being failed when I was the country’s leading prosecutor.
Failure to believe working class girls. Or misplaced fears that a jury would not believe them. Wrong-headed ideas about community relations. These all played their part in denying these children justice and leaving the perpetrators free to continue abusing. It is an issue I tackled head on.
My fight to change the way that the prosecution service operated is a matter of public record. Making sure the men responsible for these despicable acts were brought to justice. Put in the dock. Then behind bars. That is why I brought the first prosecution for a grooming gang.
Far-right voices have tried to rewrite history. Ludicrous claims that Safeguarding minister Jess Phillips and I are part of the problem, not the solution. In truth, Jess has spent her entire life battling to keep women and girls safe. The poison being pumped out by the far right should not surprise anyone.
Those spreading lies and misinformation are not interested in the victims. Those cheerleading for Tommy Robinson — a thug who was jailed for almost collapsing a grooming case — are not interested in justice. They are only interested in themselves. But that has not stopped people who should know better jumping on that bandwagon.