And since the invasion of Ukraine Putin has repeatedly threatened to deploy Russia's nuclear arsenal - but what would happen if he sent a bomb flying to London at 9,000 miles an hour?.
"London has a vast network of underground tunnels, so we could see the government trying to command the country from underground, and the Royals being able to shelter in these tunnels as well," reveals Professor Anthony Glees, security and intelligence expert from the University of Buckingham.
Here, we reveal what would happen if Putin did push the red button, minute-by-agonising-minute... From his nuclear bunker deep inside the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin gives the order.
The skies above Europe are flooded with surveillance aircraft as NATO’s missile defence systems go on high alert, though their ability to intercept Russia’s arsenal is woefully inadequate - nothing can be done to stop this.
Nuclear strike imminent,” the warning would read across people's phones.