Who's in and out of the Rolex club? It's the gift all the rich athletes, moguls and heirs are giving their girlfriends - and it has a special meaning among the 'in' crowd...
Her eyes light up. A young socialite in the throes of new love looks on with anticipation as her wealthy boyfriend pulls out a jewellery box over dinner. He carefully opens it up to reveal sparkling gold and diamonds inside, and his girlfriend squeals in delight as she holds out her hand for him.
But it's not a diamond ring he's slipping on her finger. Instead, he clasps a flashy Rolex watch around her delicate wrist. Is she disappointed? Perhaps, at first. But this soon fades when she realises the significance of the gift. Because among Australia's young and hot A-list, a Rolex is the new, far cooler version of the corny American 'promise ring'.
It means you've made it - you're engaged to be engaged, so to speak - and it's only a matter of time before you hear those four special words... Among Australia's young and hot A-list, a Rolex is the new, far cooler version of the corny American 'promise ring' and is a reliable indicator of a future engagement. (Pictured left: Lara and Sam Worthington in 2018; and right, Lara wearing a Rolex in 2014, the year the couple wed).
According to our society spies, the Rolex Club is the talk of the town right now. Every new girlfriend of a cashed-up athlete, finance bro or actor is dreaming of the day they get their gold watch, which means the countdown to an engagement is on. The Swiss luxury watches have long been seen as a symbol of wealth and status since the company was founded in 1905.