You've been cleaning your greasy pans and baking trays all wrong
An Instagram user who calls herself 'Queen of Clean' claims we have all been cleaning our greasy pans and baking trays wrongly. The Instagram user took to the platform to share her hack in getting rid of dirty dishes. Her trick does not use any cleaning materials or anything which has chemicals in it.
Yet she insists her 'tea bag hack' will work and remove any grime from your dishes simply by letting a used teabag do its work in water. Calling herself @lynsey_queenofclean she demonstrates how her method works. She said: "My all-time favourite TIPS! and perfect to share again for Christmas Don’t throw away your used tea bags—they can be a lifesaver in the kitchen! If you’ve got a dirty dish or pan, keep a tea bag aside and let it do the hard work for you.".
She then goes on to describe how her cleaning hack is a success. Lynsey said: "Here’s how it works:. 1. Fill your dirty dish with water. 2. Add the tea bag and let it soak while you enjoy your meal. 3. Watch as it breaks down grease, grime, and stuck-on food with ease. "Tea has been used for cleaning for centuries, thanks to the power of tannins! TRUST me, this simple trick really works. Give it a try and let me know what you think!".
Her post drew a healthy response, from others who also added their own personal tips. One said: I like to pour oats over fat stuck on trays. It soaks up the fat and it’s a great way to feed the birds in winter, this also avoids any fat going down the drain too.".