Boosting your libido by eating fruit might seem bizarre. Yet, experts suggest that one unexpected berry could be the secret to spicing things up in the bedroom - and it's possibly already in your fruit bowl. Specialists at the University of Pennsylvania claim that such a fruit is actually strawberries. This is thanks to their high vitamin C content which is potentially linked to an increased sexual appetite, though further research is required to know for sure.
"Strawberries are high in vitamin C, a vitamin that might boost libido," Penn Medicine wrote in a blog. "This healthy vitamin can also provide an 'indirect' benefit to a man’s sex life: Studies suggest that vitamin C, when ingested as food (not supplements), protects men against prostate cancer.".
The US-based team isn't alone in their thoughts either. An academic review published in 2013 also acknowledged the culturally-backed role of 'aphrodisiacs' - substances thought to bolster sexual performance or desire. Strawberries alongside chocolate, honey and even raw oysters were outlined to have 'aphrodisiac potential', though there was 'no or little scientific confirmation supporting those assertions'. "Aphrodisiacs can be classified by their mode of action into three types: Those that increase libido, potency, or sexual pleasure," authors explained at the time.