The vile thug who abused Kiena Dawes has vowed to get custody of their daughter following his release. Ryan Wellings, 30, is currently serving a six-year sentence in prison after being found guilty of assault and coercive and controlling behaviour and cleared of manslaughter. For two years, he led a campaign of terror against mother-of-one Kiena, who tragically took her own life, aged 23, in 2022 after feeling like there was nowhere left to turn.
The tortured hairdresser was found dead after leaving her nine-month-old daughter with a friend, along with a heartbreaking suicide note on her phone that read: "I was murdered. Slowly. They tortured me, till there was nothing left. I lost my fight but I didn't give up my battle. I fought till the end. Ryan Wellings killed me.".
It has now been revealed that Wellings has claimed he will attempt to seek custody of the daughter despite Kiena's wishes she be "kept away from the monster who is called her dad". In a sickening Facebook post made ahead of his trial, Wellings, who has two other daughters, claimed he would 'come to get' his child once freed.
The December 2023 post, seen by The Sun, claimed: "I didn't think I was going to make it to Christmas but I love you three girls way too much to leave any of you behind." The landscape gardener vowed he would have the "best Christmas" with his two daughters before adding, "once all this b******s is over, I'm coming to get you baby girl".