If you think you have a good eyesight, put them to the test and see if they are as sharp as a cat's eye when finding the hidden mouse in the image. Taking time out of your day to do puzzles and optical illusions is a good way to train your mind and eyes to work in different ways. So if you think you have strong peepers, this baffling optical illusion will definitely put them to the test. You only have seven seconds to try and spot it, and see if you're as good as a cat at spotting mice.
Set your timer and see if you can spot the sneaky mouse. The image shows a cat looking towards a pile of logs looking for the rodent hiding among the logs. Although tricky to spot, the little friend is definitely there. To make it more enjoyable, challenge yourself with a friend or family member and see who has the sharper eyesight.
It's important you spot the mouse before the cat as you will be able to help save the mouse's life before the cat pounces on it. If you're struggling, here's a hint - you may be fooled into thinking it's in the logs as that's where the feline is looking, but think outside the box and look towards the bottom left of the image. You've most likely run out of time if you haven't found it yet, so we're about to reveal the answers, but no cheating if you're still looking!.
It was hiding beneath the twigs! Although it was in plain sight, mice are very good at hiding in small cramped areas away from predators such as cats to stay alive and it seems as if this mouse has done a good job at hiding away. If you managed to spot it you have extremely keen eyes, and if not, don't worry as the more you do the easier they become.