A schoolboy who stabbed his 15-year-old ex-girlfriend more than 120 times, googled how to get away with murder. The unnamed teenage boy ruthlessly planned to slaughter Hacer Cagla Cetinalp after they broke up and went to her home armed with a knife and surgical gloves. He claimed to police that the 15-year-old girl locked him in a room trying to get him to get back with her, but as she let him out, he turned on her and mercilessly attacked her.
Appearing in court in Izmir, Turkey, he was identified just by the initials UEY. In a chilling statement to police UEY said: "I took the knife from my bag and I pushed Hacer away. As I recall, the first knife blow came down Hacer's throat. Then I don't remember where the stab wounds hit Hacer.
"I don't remember if I put the gloves on when I was stabbing Hacer, or when I was cleaning up. There was blood dripping from the glove in the bathroom. I tried to clean them up. I think I used the towels found in the bathroom to clean it. The murder wasn't planned. Although I had the gloves before the incident, I bought them for washing dishes in our house.".
But a study of the killer's phone internet records shows searches for 'latex powderless gloves', 'blood stains', and 'gun shops' made before the murder. He had also searched sites for advice on avoiding CCTV and 'killing with a screwdriver' and how to 'clean a knife blade with cologne'.
Hacer's body was discovered by her horrified father who told police he had left her at home alone with UEY. on the day of the killing in June, last year. Police found the knife at the boy's home and his bloodstained clothes and Hacer's phone dumped in a nearby bin, the court heard.