Nobody seems to agree on the answer of this simple but baffling brainteaser. If you think you're the brains of the family, can solve complex riddles in a matter of seconds, and reckon you have the IQ of a genius - this puzzle is definitely one for you.
After going viral on TikTok, thousands of viewers have been left stumped - with swathes still arguing about the correct method to solve it in the comments section. Think you have what it takes to swoop in and settle the debate for once and for all? Well, let's see.
Brainteasers like this one aren't just a great way to get competitive and boast about how much of a clever clogs you are. Research has shown regularly testing yourself with puzzles can actually result in improved concentration levels and a better attention span!.
"I have six eggs. I break two. I fried two. I ate two," the riddle reads. "How many eggs are left?". Remember, you've got just five seconds to solve this otherwise you've failed miserably. Surrendering already, or think you might have got a shot of getting it right? Scroll down to the bottom of the article to find the answer.
Want to avoid the doom and gloom? Get the latest positive news sent straight to your inbox with our Bright Stuff Newsletter. If that cracking brainteaser (Ha! Get it?) didn't even make you break a sweat, it's time to ramp things up to the next level. This baffling puzzle was featured on the ITV show The 1% Club and was only solved by two contestants in the final.