Our beloved dogs have proven to be more than man's best friend, as they can astonishingly identify illnesses from migraines to melanoma and even Parkinson’s. Millions of households across the UK have welcomed a furry friend into the family, so it's no wonder that they're labelled the most popular pet in the country. But away from their undeniable affection and sometimes mischievous behaviour, our dogs can be the secret to our health woes. Here are some of the ways our dogs can help with our health:.
Canines seem to know if their owner is stressed. It’s down to the fact that their sense of smell is up to 10,000 times better than ours. Researchers at Queen’s University, Belfast, discovered that dogs can pick up on subtle changes in the smell of sweat and breath in humans when their blood pressure is raised, compared to when they’re relaxed. It’s hoped the findings will lead to the training of therapy dogs to help ease anxiety. Petting a dog has been shown to lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, too.
These severe headaches often come with additional symptoms which can be debilitating, such as nausea and vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Taking painkillers early in an attack can help ease their severity and length, so it could be particularly handy to have a pup around, as it seems they can provide early warnings. In one US study, over half of sufferers noticed a change in their dogs’ habits shortly before the onset of a migraine, with the canines sitting closer to them or pawing at them. It’s thought the animals pick up on tiny behavioural clues in their humans.