Asda Christmas and Boxing Day 2024 opening times - when will your local be open?
Asda Christmas and Boxing Day 2024 opening times - when will your local be open?
Asda opening times will be changing over the festive period - so make sure you check before you head down. Christmas Day falls on a Wednesday this year, and on this day, Asda - like all other major UK supermarkets - will be closing all of its stores. But you shouldn't worry as there is still plenty of time to shop before the big day as all opening times across all of Asda's stores will remain the same as usual in the lead up to Christmas Eve.
Usually, larger Asda stores open from between 5am and 7am until 10pm to midnight. Asda Express stores - which are the supermarket chain's convenience stores - are also open as usual until December 23 usually opening between 6am and 7am and closing between 10pm and 11pm. Some Express stores are open 24 hours, and these will open as normal leading up to Christmas.
Opening times vary once again on Christmas Eve, but the majority will open as normal but will be closing earlier between 6pm and 7pm. All Asda stores - including its Express sites - will be closed on Christmas Day. The supermarket chain will open all of its stores once again on Boxing Day but with adjusted hours.
The majority of stores will open between 8am and 9am. This includes its Asda Express stores. Express stores will stay open until between 6pm and 8pm on Boxing Day, while full-size Asda supermarkets will shut at between 6pm and 7pm. All Asda stores will return to their usual opening hours on December 27. This includes its 24 hour sites.
The grocer hasn’t published a definitive list of opening times as its operating hours vary across the UK. So, even with our research, it is not a concrete roundup. To be certain of when your local Asda will open and close, make sure you use the Asda store locator tool on the supermarket's website.