Asda New Year opening times - see when your local store is open this week
Asda New Year opening times - see when your local store is open this week
Asda will be changing its opening hours slightly over New Year with the majority of its shops closing a little earlier than normal. The New Year is fast approaching and if you haven't managed to pick up your New Year bits and bobs, that’s okay, as Asda will be open on New Year’s Eve. New Year's Eve falls on a Tuesday this year, and leading up to the New Year celebration, the supermarket chain will be operating under its normal opening hours.
Usually, Asda superstores will open at either 6am or 7am and then close at either 10pm or 11pm - although some open until midnight. Asda also has smaller stores which are called Asda Express stores, these are usually open between 6am and 7am and close between 10pm and 11pm.
On New Year's Eve, Asda superstores will be opening at 8am and will close at 7pmm. The Asda Express stores will be open from longer on New Year's Eve opening at 6am and closing at 8pm. However, some Express stores are open 24 hours, and from our research, these will be open as normal over New Year.
After the UK has rung in the New Year on December 31, Asda will be opening its doors on New Year's Day with slightly shorter opening hours so you will be able to pick up some breakfast bits if you need to. The majority of larger Asda stores will be open from between 9am and will close between 6pm whilst the Asda Express stores will open at 8am and will close at 8pm - although some stores will be open as normal. On Thursday, January 2, all Asdas across the country will return to their usual opening hours.