Bin collections to change in just 3 months - with new rules coming in for every home
A massive overhaul of household waste collection is set to roll out next year, with the first stages kicking off as early as March 2025. The Labour government has released a policy update stating: 'For too long, households in England have been presented with a muddled and confusing patchwork of approaches to bin collections'.
The Tory policy, announced back in 2023, proposed up to seven bins for various types of waste. However, an updated plan has now been published by the government, reducing the number of bins to four. The new default requirement for most households and workplaces will be 4 containers for:.
The new standard requirement for most homes and workplaces will be four containers, which could include bags, bins or stackable boxes. The document, titled 'Simpler Recycling in England: policy update', states: "This is the government's maximum default requirement and is not expected to increase in the future. However, councils and other waste collectors will still have the flexibility to make the best choices to suit local need. This is a sensible, pragmatic approach to the collection of materials for every household and business in England.".
The scheme aims to standardise policies across England and end the 'postcode lottery' of bin collections, where councils collect different materials for recycling, leading to 'confusion for households'. The changes promise that 'bad-smelling food waste' will be collected from all households 'at least once a week.