CIA declassifies book detailing how the world will end
A book classified by the CIA for more than 50 years contains a shocking theory about how the world will end. 'The Adam and Eve Story,' written by former US Air Force employee, UFO researcher and self-acclaimed psychic Chan Thomas, was written in 1966 but its publication was halted by the agency.
It was quietly declassified in 2013, at least in part, but remained hidden in the CIA's database — until now. In the book, Thomas claims that every 6,500 years, a major disaster on the scale of the Biblical 'Great Flood' strikes the Earth. While experts debate the exact date of that flood in the Book of Genesis, Thomas asserts that it happened roughly 6,500 years ago, and there is some archaeological and geological evidence to support that claim.
By that logic, Thomas argues that the next catastrophe is imminent. As for what the end of the world will look like, Thomas believes that Earth's magnetic field will suddenly, drastically shift, wreaking havoc across the planet. The reason behind the book was classified remains unclear, but some have suggested the agency was concerned the book would cause mass panic, or leak information related to secret government research.
Thomas had connections to classified projects during his time at the defunct aerospace company McDonnell Douglas. He was part of a small team of scientists assembled by the company to investigate reports of UFOs. While there are no official records of Thomas working directly for the CIA, the agency's secrecy agreement means past employees need to get approval before publishing books and other works of communication.