CIA banned a book on 'how the world will end' - now you can read it and find out

CIA banned a book on 'how the world will end' - now you can read it and find out
Author: (Benjamin Lynch)
Published: Jan, 18 2025 18:04

A book that ‘explained’ how the world is going to end was classified by the CIA for nearly 60 years, but now it is available to read. The conspiracy theory contained in ‘The Adam and Eve Story’ was prevented from publication by the US’ foreign intelligence agency for an unknown reason. Parts of the book were declassified in 2013, but some mystery still surrounds the work penned by Chan Thomas.

Thomas was a UFO researcher, engineer and ex-US Air Force employee. He believed in his own interpretation of the Book of Genesis found in the Bible and was convinced planet Earth would experience the “next cataclysm”, which was also the name of the first chapter in his book.

Some reports indicate that the book may have been censored to prevent a mass panic, or to stop some government secrets coming to light. Like Noah's 6,500 years ago... Like Adam and Eve's 11,500 years ago... This, too will come to pass…” Thomas wrote.

Thomas died in 2018 and never saw his predictions come true, but likely passed away believing that the Earth would one day undergo something called geomagnetic reversal. This is essentially when the Earth’s magnetic poles swap around. NASA explained: “During a pole reversal, the magnetic field weakens, but it doesn’t completely disappear. The magnetosphere, together with Earth’s atmosphere, continue protecting Earth from cosmic rays and charged solar particles, though there may be a small amount of particulate radiation that makes it down to Earth’s surface. The magnetic field becomes jumbled, and multiple magnetic poles can emerge in unexpected places.".


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