Dom Joly, 57, is forced to fill out a bizarre form to take his restaurant leftovers home
Dom Joly, 57, is forced to fill out a bizarre form to take his restaurant leftovers home
Dom Joly was forced to sign a legal waiver to take home a ‘doggy bag’ from a restaurant. The complicated form was issued to the comic at a restaurant part-owned by celebrity chef Raymond Blanc before he could take any of his leftover food away with him.
The Trigger Happy TV star, 57, posted about the bizarre practice on his Instagram after visiting the Brasserie Blanc in Cheltenham: 'Just had to sign a disclaimer form in order to take a doggy bag away from @cheltenhamblanc - seems a little excessive? Anybody ever come across this before? My dogs are not that litigious.’.
Brasserie Blanc in Cheltenham refused to allow the diner to take home his unfinished chicken, mash and veg before he agreed to indemnify himself and his guests ‘from and against all claims, losses, liabilities, damage, costs, charges, fines, penalties and expenses’ that could arise from him eating it at home.
The restaurant said the document was designed to stop diners from suing it if they took the £22.50 grain-fed chicken Sunday Roast dinner home, failed to store or refrigerate it properly and became ill. But management have admitted they had never been sued.
Written in convoluted legalistic jargon, the ‘indemnity form’ asks diners to ‘confirm that I will be taking away [the food or drink] into the house/home (“the premises”) for the consumption (“function”)’. Dom Joly, 57, was forced to sign a legal waiver to take home a ‘doggy bag’ from a restaurant.