I know they only mean in terms of making lots of them, even though they don’t know if they’ll all sell, but as usual in the games industry, and I guess most everything else, it’s the smaller companies that take all the risks and the big ones that just pump out the same old slop all the time.
It’s not a good idea to idolise any company but I would certainly be more willing to take a risk on Nintendo, in terms of hardware and games, than I would anyone else.
Although even separate releases, like for Sony games, are often bad too, even though they’ve had plenty of time to get them right.
Then I realised that the success of the games were helping to pay for the stuff I do like, like Resident Evil, the new Onimusha, and hopefully the rumoured new Devil May Cry.
The whole reason the new games are good is because they completely rethink the dumb edgelord attitude of the originals and make Kratos seem like a real character.