Games Inbox: Was the Nintendo Switch 2 announcement a disappointment?

Games Inbox: Was the Nintendo Switch 2 announcement a disappointment?
Author: GameCentral
Published: Jan, 17 2025 01:10

The Friday letters page asks who is to blame for the PlayStation obsession with live service games, as readers discuss the new look for Donkey Kong. To join in with the discussions yourself email Short but good. So I think the Switch 2 reveal was good. I know some people were disappointed it was too short, and only showed one game, but there was never any chance it was going to show many games. We knew that going in and I think as an introduction to Switch 2 it worked fine. Everyone in my office watched it and they all seemed to be impressed and intrigued.

 [Donkey Kong redesign]
Image Credit: Metro [Donkey Kong redesign]

None of them had any idea it was on the way but a few then realised how long it had been since the first one had come out and agreed it was about time for a new console. I’m not sure that was the best Mario Kart 9 footage they could’ve shown but it does seem to be open world to me, so that’s interesting and definitely something I want to know more about. Especially as the game’s success is all built around being simple and accessible for casual players.

Maybe the trailer could’ve had a bit more pizzazz – a voiceover wouldn’t have hurt or some kind of memorable music – but I think it did its job fine. It’s not Nintendo’s fault there were leaks and if there hadn’t have been I think it would’ve been unanimously accepted as a good thing.
