Not forgetting the spirited Stansted Morris Men; the majestic Kentish manor Court Lodge taking pride of place in the heart of the village amidst its sprawling 600 acres, complete with house, granary, coach house, and an oast house; as well as the sporty sides of the community, Stansted Hockey Club and Cricket Club.
Confusion must set in as they enter the tranquil village, which is approximately 53 miles away from London Stansted in Essex, an airport that sees 27 million passengers annually.
For those keen on delving into the village's past, the Stansted and Fairseat History Society offers a treasure trove of detailed historical records.
One mustn't miss the breathtaking medieval gem that is St Mary's Church, boasting a notable tower in Stansted.
The food was full of flavour and Darren and his staff certainly went the extra mile to make our evening enjoyable, even adding a couple of extra chairs on to our table.