Have you fallen into the ABC sex life trap? (That's when you only have sex on anniversaries, birthdays and Christmas.) Here's how to get out of the rut!

Have you fallen into the ABC sex life trap? (That's when you only have sex on anniversaries, birthdays and Christmas.) Here's how to get out of the rut!
Published: Dec, 30 2024 01:30

Women today are having less sex than our grandmothers had. Back then, women didn't even know what a bikini wax was. Now there's so much pressure to perform in the bedroom, to look amazing, and to have endless stamina. I see plenty of women who think, 'I've lost interest, my libido's gone out the window, I'm too stressed, my hormones are all over the place and I don't like my body!' That's why they're having sex so infrequently.

 [I've worked with lots of couples who've fallen into the ABC trap or who haven't had sex at all for years, but they can start over, writes Marisa Peer]
Image Credit: Mail Online [I've worked with lots of couples who've fallen into the ABC trap or who haven't had sex at all for years, but they can start over, writes Marisa Peer]

So women fall into the trap of ABC sex, that's only on anniversaries, birthdays and Christmas. Aside from the lack of frequency, this scheduled 'obligation' sex is the sort some women have when they're trying to conceive. It's often perfunctory, unromantic, and there is no seduction. Frankly, it's become a chore.

But it doesn't have to be this way. I've worked with lots of couples who've fallen into the ABC trap or who haven't had sex at all for years, but they can start over. And that can be exciting – after all, it's almost like being a virgin again as couples get it back on track. If this all sounds familiar, here's my guide to making Christmas season sex so orgasmic you'll be looking to continue the celebrations all year long...

Choose your words wisely. Banish all thoughts of 'putting out'. Remember, you're with someone you love, and sex is an expression of love. Your words shape your reality, so if you're saying to yourself, 'It's Christmas so I must have sex with my partner' then that language makes you think it's something that has to be done and got out of the way.


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