Inside the troubling ‘Almond Mom’ trend: Why daughters are filming their anorexic mothers In an era of Ozempic and eating disorder videos, girls are filming their anorexic mothers and calling it content.
Although these videos might be posted with the intention of either shitposting, joining in on a trend or seeking solidarity out of frustration with living under an almond mom’s roof, broadcasting them to an audience of millions can potentially do more harm than good.
When reporters spoke to Sara Bender she was bemused and said she didn’t consider herself an almond mom at all, though she admitted that she saw some of her own behaviours reflected in her daughter’s videos.
“These are highly complex psychiatric illnesses that have many, many contributing factors.” She acknowledges, however, that there are pre-existing gender differences in the world of eating disorders: diagnosed anorexia presents in one man to every 10 women.
Parental comments and almond mom behaviour though, can clearly play into this, particularly when amplified by social media.