I’ve only turned my heating on three times this winter thanks to a buy which cost me just 2p per hour instead of £1.65
IT’S that time of year again when many of us are counting the pennies and doing our best to save wherever we can. With Christmas being a pricey season and the January paycheck feeling like it’s miles away, it’s no surprise that people are looking for ways to cut back on their expenses.
One area where many are trying to save, especially as they are set to rise in January, is their energy bills. But this can feel tricky, especially for those who work from home. However, one money saver has managed to find just the trick to keep her energy bills low.
The woman, who is known as ‘fixingmyfinances’ on TikTok, has revealed that she is in £12,000 worth of credit card debt and she is trying to pay it off by the time she is 30. This means she needs to scrimp and save in any way possible and her energy bills being one of them.
Sharing a video on TikTok, she said: “I’m in £12k worth of credit card debt and one of my favourite money saving hacks as a working from home girlie is using my heated blanket instead of turning the heating on. “The heating costs £1.65 per hour vs my heated blanket which costs 2.7p per hour.”.
In the caption of the video, she goes on to explain: “So far we’ve had the heating on three times this side of the summer so this hack works. “Just a side note that I’m not glamourising keeping the heating off and I know that some people will struggle to afford to put the heating on to keep their families warm.