My neighbours are a total nightmare, there’s piles of rubbish & they’ve even broken into my garden to steal my bin
WE ALL know how hard life can be when you don't get on with your neighbours. But one woman was left thrilled when it seemed like her nightmare neighbours moved out late last year. However, she has been left devastated after realising they had come back and were acting worse than ever.
She took to Mumsnet asking for advice on how to cope as it seemed they weren't going away anytime soon. She said: "They have filled the backyard with scrap, they broke the communal gate which I paid to replace, they then broke that, they broke into my backyard and took my bin, and went through my gardening box.".
But that's not all, she said she also had to live with them constantly yelling into the early hours of the morning. While that was bad enough she also claims they used her address to claim benefits as well as a phone contract and bank account. "I found this out when I started getting all the debt collection letters," she explained.
But the long list of problems wasn't over - she accused them of fly-tipping, swearing at her and throwing bin bags into the street. "This winter they must have had a blocked drainage pipe which they then tampered with and all their bath water was running out into my yard," she added.
"I reported all the issues to the council who did an inspection and said there were "significant issues" and they were taking action. That was nearly 20 months ago!". Finally after two years of hell, in December last year they vanished and she finally could enjoy her home again.