Broken glass (36 per cent) and aerosol cans (21 per cent) also regularly ending up in the bin when they could be recycled, while 44 per cent think polystyrene is recyclable, when it should be disposed of in general waste.
The study also found 69 per cent think there should be more information available to help people to recycle properly, with 75 per cent believing it should be made clearer on product packaging whether or not an item can be recycled.
More than four in 10 (43 per cent) believe easier to understand guidelines would help them feel more confident in their recycling habits, while a third think incentives for recycling would help.
The research, carried out via, found 53 per cent are recycling multiple times a day at home, but this drops to just 17 per cent at work.
It also emerged 16 per cent are unaware metal bottle tops can be recycled, and 12 per cent mistakenly think tins belong in the regular bin.